You may be interested in spending time with an escort. After all, escorts are known to provide a satisfying experience for their clients.
Though both men and women can be escorts, the majority of escorts tend to be women. If you are considering booking an escort, the main thing you will be spending your money on is the escort’s time.
No two escort experiences will be the same for each client and this depends on your wishes and whether the escort is comfortable providing those experiences for you.
Though not entirely sexual, if the escort complies there may be some sexual acts involved on the day. This must be discussed thoroughly before you meet your escort to avoid any misunderstandings between the two of you.
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of things you should consider when booking an escort that will make the booking process quick and safe.
Picking the Perfect Escort
Picking the perfect escort may be confusing and intimidating for you, especially if it is your first time going through the process. Spending time with escorts is considered taboo in our society but rest assured that the booking process is discreet and safe for both participants.
There are now many escort agencies such as that are reliable and offer a fantastic selection of women to meet. With these websites, you can see what each woman looks like and find out all of the information necessary with only a few clicks.
So what should you look for in an escort? This all depends on your tastes. You can choose from a variety of people and the options are endless. There is an escort that can meet all of your likes – from hair colour to height to nationality.
The next point you should thoroughly think about is what you would like to receive from your time with the escort and whether they would be okay to provide this for you. On reliable websites such as, you can easily see the services each escort is willing to provide by clicking on any of the girls’ pictures and finding their numbers. Don’t be afraid to respectfully contact your escort of interest and ask about the services she may provide. This is also a great opportunity for you to use specific terms and lingo such as CIM, Greek, GFE and more to communicate freely.
Escort Bookings
If you’re not booking through an agency or website, you’ve most likely come across a particular advertisement. In both cases, you must read all of the information included and understand the details fully. This information will include prices, etiquette, how to treat your escort and more.
On websites such as Opvim, after you’ve contacted your escort of choice and have both agreed on a date, time, price and the services that will be provided, simply click on the “book now” button on the girl’s page on the website and follow the instructions. If you will be using another website or agency, the booking process should follow the same protocols.
Opivm has an entire page dedicated to bookings where you simply submit your name, contact details and desires if you are unsure of the girl you would like, and someone will be in touch with you promptly to aid you with the booking process.
Alternatively, you may be able to do the booking entirely over the phone. Most ads and websites provide a number that you can call which will direct you to the escort. Some people prefer this method of booking because they can get a feel for the escort and determine whether they can communicate freely with them verbally – which may be necessary during your date.
The same protocol is required for this method. Be respectful and don’t be intimidated to ask if the escort will be able to provide you with what you desire, despite how awkward it may seem.
Be mindful that your escort of choice may not be available at all times. It’s best to book in advance (at least a few days!) but you can always contact the escort to ask if they can meet you on short notice. In this case, always have a backup escort in mind just in case your first choice is fully booked.
Prices and Payment for Escorts
Now some websites do encourage upfront payment but this will be specified during the booking process. Mostly, however, once you have contacted your escort of choice and have discussed the services, the amount of time you will be spending with them and other details, the cost will also be stated. The money will have to be provided during your date.
Prices for escorts vary not only on the length of the escort’s time with you and the services but also whether you opt for an incall option or outcall option (incall being the escort’s own establishment and outcall being your place of choice, may it be a hotel or your home). If you are opting for an outcall appointment, the agency may need some details regarding your hotel room number to ensure the escort’s safety.
To spend time with an escort, you’ll usually be paying anywhere from £150/£200 upwards. If you’d like special services such as the GFE or PFE etc. you’ll be paying more, and this depends on each escort/website.
Make sure you know how much you’ll be paying before you meet your escort. Once everything has been communicated and decided and you haven’t paid upfront, ensure all of the money is placed in an envelope and place it in the pre-decided place that the escort has agreed on. At no point should you directly hand the cash over to the escort, especially if you are in public.
Alternatively, you may place the envelope of money in front of her on a table and refer to it as a “gift” if needs be.
As a general rule of thumb, payment should take place before the date commences, especially as it will be both of your first times with each other. We recommend that you place the money somewhere the escort can see it, and take a shower for a few minutes while she counts the money and tucks it away. Then when you’re done with your shower, the fun can commence.